Material Testing
A wide array of standard qualification testing (material suppliers, Tier-1 & 2 suppliers, OEMs), material evaluation, and customized development-type testing & analysis [all testing is performed with DIC & optical tracking!]
- Test Types/Modes: Tension, Bending, Sheet Formability, Biaxial, Bulge, Tension/Compression, Fracture, Friction & more.
- Test Samples: Miniature, Standard & Oversized.
- Test Conditions: Ambient, Subzero & High Temperatures*.
- Test Speed/Rates: Quasi-Static, Intermediate & High (crash).
- Materials: Steels & AHSSs, Aluminium, Titanium, Polymers & Composites, Additive & Other Advanced Materials.
- Material Forms: Sheets, Plates, Thin Foils, Adhesive Joints, Bolt & Rivet Joints, Weld Lines.
Material Testing Portfolio (Selected Examples)
Will be published soon!