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Who Are We?

FADI-AMT LLC is a “DATA-Centered Company” that offers several products under the “Material Insights” platform, all cohesively integrated to provide you access to high quality R&D level “Material DATA”!

Why Work with Us?

Our roots are all deeply soaked in “Materials”, and all our products are based on experience, understanding and even obsession with material deformation & failure! In addition, we pioneered the integration of novel technologies (such as digital image correlation, optical metrology and artificial intelligence) in material testing, and we further developed tools to stretch the limits of what can be done with such techniques in bringing new insights about material behavior! So, we do not just perform material testing or provide material testing hardware & software; rather, we provide a whole set of integrated tools for taking “Material DATA” generation to new heights!

Why Our DATA?

The DATA we offer is simply unique and on a totally different level … we call it “mi-DATA”:

So why “mi-DATA”? … because it simply brings DATA to life!!!

Why Our Products?

They are cohesive & work together to provide you with a unique experience in harnessing your DATA! All our products, whether hardware or software or database or testing services, share one unique DNA …. We call it the “Material Insights DNA” … you will feel it once you work with us, experience our products, attend our webinars and webcasts, or even follow our LinkedIn posts!

How to Get The DATA?

Who Are Our Clients?

We are grateful for the trust of many OEMs, material producers, Tier-1 & 2 suppliers, and more!

Our Humble History!

After ~15 years of education, teaching, research and development activities at different institutions, coupled with rich interactions with the automotive and aerospace sectors, FADI established the heart of this company in his home garage in March 2016!
During those years in academia (University of Kentucky, Penn State University, Clemson University-International Center for Automotive Research), FADI’s research group was active in the fields of sheet metal forming, lightweight materials and structures, material processing & deformation. Focus was directed to material characterization via mechanical testing, and the development of new testing approaches to deal with the difficult natures of lightweight materials: magnesium alloys, aluminium alloys and advanced high strength steels. It is then that a new curious technology known as digital image correlation (DIC) was slowly rising in the field; FADI & his group quickly embraced the technology, became early users and integrators of DIC in material testing, and soon started pushing DIC use to new limits!
By 2016, material testing with DIC was mainly an academic activity; commercial material testing activities were dominantly based on uniaxial tension testing and other simple tests, with heavy emphasis on conventional extensometers. FADI-AMT thus started as a service provider with a vision and a passion for taking material and component testing to the next level by:
i) expanding the scope of testing to technically advanced domains (complex & multiaxial loading), and
ii) embracing new technologies with potential to transform material testing! FADI-AMT became known for generating unique DATA that supports a wide range of research & development activities!

Over the years, we carried this vision and mentality to everything we do, and we naturally expanded from material testing services into the development of material testing software and hardware products. Today, FADI-AMT is a DATA-centered company dedicated to offering high quality R&D-level material DATA through a series of products and services. Pushing the limits through innovation and new technologies is still at the heart of everything we do! Back then we started embracing DIC, today we pioneer the use of artificial intelligence in material testing; we may not know what the future holds but we will actively try to be part of shaping it!!!

  • FADI-AMT started from a home garage, and was the first commercial testing lab in North America to offer “advanced” material tests by fully embracing “DIC” in all activities
    Purchased our “servohydraulic high speed testing machine”; the first machine of its type in any commercial testing house in NA
    Purchased our “servohydraulic formability press system” … the first of its type machine in any commercial testing house in NA
    We moved to a new facility in Greenville SC that houses all our testing equipment
    FADI-AMT becomes the first commercial testing house in NA to receive acceptance by BMW FIZ (Steel Development Division)
    The first early seeds of a revolutionary R&D-level material database were planted
    The first early seeds of software & hardware development were planted
  • Introduction of a new platform of cohesive products “material insights”
  • We pioneered the use of “artificial intelligence” in commercial material testing … a live demo of crack detection  in HER testing using A.I.!
  • “mi-Sensor”, the first of its type & truly unique “universal material testing optical sensor”, enters the market!
  • “mi-Tracker”, the first of its type “artificial intelligence powered material testing software”, enters the market!
  • “mi-Database”, the first of its type “R&D-level material database”, is open for subscription!

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